Managing IVF just got easier

Tired of endless calendar reminders, medication alarms, and loose paperwork?

Simplify your IVF journey with the Alife app.

Your digital IVF record, all in one place

Ditch the binder, notes app, stickies, whiteboards, period tracker, etc. The Alife app has it all -- your easy-to-use, IVF-specific management tool.


your journey


Prepare for what’s next


Tailor your experience

Track Screenshot

Track your journey


    Set reminders for appointments, medications and to-dos

    Record results, symptoms, notes and costs

    Compare cycles, past and present


Prepare for what’s next


    See what’s upcoming with your personalized journey timeline

    Learn what to expect at each step of the process

    Read educational blog articles to keep you informed

Prepare Screenshot
Customize Screenshot

Tailor your experience


    Add procedures as you go

    Remove optional steps from your timeline

    Input past procedures to accurately reflect your journey, past and present



    Set reminders for appointments, medications and to-dos

    Record results, symptoms, notes and costs

    Compare cycles, past and present



    See what’s upcoming with your personalized journey timeline

    Learn what to expect at each step of the process

    Read educational blog articles to keep you informed



    Add procedures as you go

    Remove optional steps from your timeline

    Input past procedures to accurately reflect your journey, past and present

From our users

“This app is great for simplifying a complicated process and will help patients to stay on top of their treatment”


“So excited to have an app tailored to the fertility process where you can keep everything all in one organized place!”


“They put a lot of thought and work into the app, so I could use one app instead of two and a giant wall calendar! It has everything you need to start your journey and stay organized.”

-Ashley E

“I so appreciated the Alife app & platform. It was built to meet the practical and nuanced elements of those TTC. The blog articles were incredibly helpful - bringing data and clinical research to demystify elements of the fertility journey.”


“Alife was instrumental during IVF. It helped me stay organized and reduced stress end to end during my process and ultimately help lead to my success!”


Frequently asked questions

Why is it important to track everything during my IVF experience?

As you go through IVF, you’ll accumulate a lot of information. Many patients often end up with piles of loose paperwork, countless email chains, and notes scribbled all over the place. By creating a digital record of your IVF experience, the Alife app can be your source of truth for procedure results, medications taken, symptoms experienced, clinic documentation, and more. Whether you reference this during a future IVF cycle or need to share information with your doctor, insurance company, or others, you’ll know exactly where to look.

Is my data secure and will it be shared?

Is the Alife app free?

How do I contact Alife with app questions or concerns?

Download the Alife app

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